Have you ever sat down and watched porn with your significant other and wondered about making Home Made Porn? Considered making your very own hot sex tape but never knew how, then here’s your chance. This article is going to talk about staring in your very own porn flick.
You’ll find tips for gay home made porn, on the best angles, choosing someone to star in it and how to keep your video secure and safe. So sit back, enjoy this guide and by the end of it you’ll be a pro in how to make your own hard-core sex tape.

Safety first.
Before we start talking about cameras, angles and lighting you need to seriously consider the element of safety. Making a sex tape is sadly, not a decision that you can take lightly. Unfortunately, what makes it very difficult is the fact that it’s really hard to anticipate the future.
Revenge porn is a common trend these days.
It makes it difficult to physically put some things onto tape. Even if you trust them with the keys to your world right now. I am almost certain that victims of revenge porn never considered that their sweetheart would end up posting their sex video online. But hey here we are.
Not everyone in a relationship can be considered as innocent as they make out to be. No matter how much of a virgin or new to sexual experiences that they are. There’s even sex guides out there for breaking free, how to perform oral sex and masturbate these days for good girls and good boys. To break their habits and get a sense of naughtiness in them!
At the end of the day – only make a homemade film with someone that you’d trust with your life. However dramatic that sounds, keep in mind that sex tapes have literally ruined lives.
Think about it, agonise over it, before committing to a decision in making your own sex tape.
Again, before you rush out to hit the record button keep in mind that it might require planning.
It’s your sex tape, and no one else’s so you need to consider what entertains you, what turns you on. Ask yourself the following question.
What would you like to get out of the experience of making a sex tape?
From there, talk this over with your sex partner. Here are some further things you might want to consider.
- Plot. Do you want the film to have a plot or are you just having sex? If you’re having a plot is there a theme and what sexy lingerie, outfits and costumes are you going to need for this theme?
- Are you going to be the one in the film or are you directing someone else or role playing other characters? Keep in mind, if you’re playing someone that’s other than yourself IE a flight attendant, nurse, or the sexy villain you’ve always wanted to be. Then it might help in taking some of the pressure off of the situation. For other people, having to consider being someone else will add to the pressure.
Actors, Location and Props
- Location, location location. Safest place to film might be in a bed. But you also have the options of being outside, in a hotel room and so on. Is it all going to be In the same room or are you going to move around?
- Are there going to be specific acts or positions in the film or are you just going to go with the flow? You might start off with a seductive strip tease and go on from there. Or it might be a hard-core fetish scene with a lot of pain play and bondage.
- Will there be props, or sex toys in it? You might choose to use vibrators, or if you’re going with a hard-core fetish film you might need some medical sex toys or urethral sounds.
- Are you making a full length movie, or are you using little snippets, gifs and short scenes?
These are all questions that you will need to consider with your sex partner. Some people might even find the conversation to be such a turn on that they will engage in a practice run before finishing the conversation!

If you really want to get into it
Do a PG test shoot first so that you’re aware of what everything looks like, and please, don’t forget the man scaping. Do whatever normal habits that you might do before a big date so that you’re feeling confident and sexy.
It’ll go a long way to coming across on film.
If you’re a little nervous then don’t fret. Making your first gay sex video can be quite intense, it’s a very different thing to watch your first gay video than it is to film it. Normal to feel a little shy and awkward. Sometimes it might help to break down a seemingly big project into little ones.
Put on your sexy underwear (you know those lucky ones) and get naked in front of the mirror. Any mirror. Could even be the one in the change rooms in the shopping centre. Point here is to learn how to take flattering angles of yourself in the mirror that will show case your body parts.
Yes, it’s hard to take photos of your own ass if your ass is your best feature. But that’s where you get your partner or buddy to come in and take some photos for you.
Do a strip tease, play cheeky, play naked and get your kit off in front of your partner as they snap happily away. Provide input, and get their opinion.
From there you might progress to having photos during sex
Pass your phone around when having sex. Try to have a look at different angles, how they look, the lighting and other such issues. If that seems a bit much, try simple and tame sex acts such as kissing, touching and erotic behaviour and then progress how you see fit.
Work up to taking short clips that involve tongue, hand jobs, rimming or a clip with just a few seconds of thrusting. Have a look at it together and see how you’re going. If you’re not using your partner in this, you could try using your favourite toy or start yourself off with a guybrator or a buttplug. Either of which will start the arousal and help you relax.
With each mini shoot
Spend some time afterwards playing with the clips or photos on simple camera phone editing software which you can download very easily. You’ll quickly notice the improvements that you can make with editing software which might help take some pressure off as well.
With these little tips, you’ll be acting like a pro in front of the camera in no time.
After each time you take a picture or clip, play around with the basic editing software on your phone. This will help you realize just how many improvements you can make in “post-production. So it can alleviate some of your nerves. You’ll start feeling more comfortable in front of the camera in no time!
Now that you feel comfortable in front of your phone camera, now is the time to try and pick your camera.
When you first start out, we recommend just using whatever you have. If, from there, you’re liking it then you can get something better.
It depends on a few things, how much money you want to spend, what the end goal is and what you want from the camera. We aren’t going to make specific recommendations on exact camera’s you can do the research on that yourself. But we will make suggestions on the three most common options that you have.
Majority of people have smart phones with either an android or an Apple Device making this option the simplest, cheapest and easiest option out there.
All smart phones are capable of recording video, making them a natural first choice when it comes to creating your very first gay sex tape. So long as there is enough lighting, the smart phone will in most cases be able to provide decent video quality. Benefit of a smart phone is that it is also small enough to be held without disrupting the natural flow of the scene. Because of that, it’s very easy to take in your hand or switch to a tripod depending on what’s happening and what’s going on.
Smart phones will suffer in three areas though.
First being that the quality can be atrocious in higher resolutions, audio is for the most part an abysmal failure, and there’s the whole struggling with low light situations. None of this will really matter for your first venture into making a sex tape. Smart phones are the ideal platform to determine how you’re feeling in regards to making your own sex tape.
Just don’t let the lower quality discourage you.
Most DSLR’s will come with a video recording function. They’re a simple way to create some better quality videos (better than your smart phone) without spending a wad of cash on something you may never want to use again. A DSLR will take better quality video in low level lighting. Though the audio is still going to suffer a little bit.
One of the major advantages of a DSLR is that you can very easily swap in and out the camera lenses for different cinematic appearances. A wide angle lens or a semi fish lens will both work great for homemade porno films. If you want a slightly classier look, then this might be a good option. Though you will most likely need a tripod owing to the fact that DSLRs are s little heavy and difficult to use for POV shots.
If you’re going to be serious about making a sex tape that’s a high quality, then a proper video camera is definitely the way to go.
There’s several camera options out there which are decent quality without spending a fortune. Though brands to go with are generally considered to be Panasonic and Canon. Make sure that you’re checking for the quality of video in low level lighting. You’ll find that the camcorder is much better at picking up sounds. Though you’ll still be far better off with a dedicated microphone set.
Though you might look a little ridiculous with a GoPro attached to your head, these things are almost perfectly suited for your own sex tape.
Obviously, it depends on the model but the versatility of these things is what’s going to make them stand out. They range in price quite considerably. Consider the usage, and what you’re after and pay for it accordingly. Other downside is that there is no way of customising the focus.
Lighting might seem a mundane and insignificant thing. It can make or break your film in terms of the quality. Good quality lighting can turn any obviously amateur production, to a seemingly near professional quality film. So it is very important that you’re not neglecting the lighting.
Bad part about lighting, is to achieve near professional quality, you need to be investing into it quite considerably. And it can easily disrupt the mood on your home set. Just think of it like this, you’re in the mood using your favourite prostate toy.
Then all of a sudden it dies on you.
That disappointment, that sensation of dissatisfaction can be a major distraction. If you’re a little shy about showcasing your body, even to yourself, then candle light is always a good romantic option. Also has the benefit of being flattering on the skin. It will leave you with a lower quality video. But it might be ideal if you’re not after a video with a lot of high end detail.
Whilst a three point lighting system is the most ideal for high quality films, it’s not very romantic, or conducive to a home film. You can however recreate that with what lamps and lighting that you have at the moment.
Using desk lamps, floor lamps pointed at the ceiling will also brighten the room but not make the lighting too harsh.
It’s no secret that lighting for a film is complicated.
Use the above video to get some hints and tips with the knowledge that you’re not going to be using anything as sophisticated as that. Easiest, and simplest thing to do at this stage is film in natural light. Open the windows, put the light source behind the camera, you’re good to go.
This is going to look pretty awesome and you haven’t done anything other than open the windows.
Maybe you live in a small apartment building with the neighbours right next to your window, or maybe natural light just isn’t an option for whatever reason. In which case you might want to experiment with different lighting set ups.
Grab a few lamps from around the house, using warm (yellow) and cool (white) globes and see what happens. Experiment before you start filming because the angles that you use are going to affect the lighting.
A thing about porn is that it is all about the angles. This is one of the biggest difficulties in shooting porn. Angles in porn is not about the enjoyment of the position. But rather finding the perfect angle so that the viewer is aroused, and that the scene is pleasing for the viewer.
Grab some of your favourite XXX films and get some inspiration from professional actors, directors and camera crew in regards to where to put the camera for the best angles. Whilst you can get normal pornography and XXX films, you might find it a good idea to try and view a mix of different porn styles, and themes. So you can get a good idea of what’s going to work and not work for you.
By this we mean try a few different porn styles; such as kink porn, some romantic gay porn, some hard-core gay porn and some amateur style. Mix it with normal recording and some gay Blu-Ray DVD’s so that you understand the differences in quality as well.
Basic Ideas to Get You Started
Easiest idea when it comes to filming your own hard-core porno film is to ensure that you’re putting the camera alongside the bed which will help give you a wide angle of your bodies and the entire scene. You’re not going to get much detail from the scene, but it’s a very simple low-maintenance option for the scene.
- If you’re looking for higher quality production and a better view of your genitals and ass, then you might be better off assigning the location of the camera at the left, or right bottom corner of your bed. This angle will be perfect for capturing the genitals, especially for blow jobs and anal sex.
- Use multiple cameras and/or phones in various locations. You can also cut the two films together at some stage during ‘production’ so that you can make a seamless hardcore film.
Using the above idea
- Grab each of your phones for some unique POV shots of the sex scene. You might use this opportunity to showcase some interesting POV angles that your partner might normally be unable to see.
- For example, you might want to showcase off your thrusting skills during doggy style for an extreme POV close up, or you might want to showcase your partner’s ass as you slide a blow up dildo in, and inflate it up!
- Tell him how that turns you on, and show him why it turns you on, and the benefit of that might be you get to use it more!
During filming, never be afraid to mix it up.
Even if your first run is a total dud, you’re still going to be in a position to have loads of fun! It might also be a tease to pause during sex to show off some of the footage, but don’t take too long because it might end up as a mood killer instead of an arousal tool.
Most important part of filming is to make sure that you’re having fun and having safe sex. There’s no denying it. That the first time that you film yourself there’s going to be a tad of awkwardness. So it’s incredibly important to maintain an open mind, and to ensure that there’s a sense of humour in the room.
If you’re not quite at that stage yet, then go out and buy a fun sex toy that you can use together. Make sure that you practice with it. Laugh, enjoy the moment, and relax.
Tell your co-star that you’re feeling a little nervous
Chances are that they’re feeling the same. Use the awkwardness to bond, get an appreciation of each other and to improve your levels of communication. Perhaps you’ll end up relaxing each other through humour, playfulness and sensual teasing. Don’t just turn the camera on and then try and have sex, get in the mood beforehand.
Try and start making out exploring each other’s bodies before you push the red button to get those arousal juices flowing. Before long you won’t even notice that there’s a camera there. A glass of wine, scotch or a cocktail might help as well to take just the tiniest of edges off.
Though, it is important to remain as sober as possible to ensure all the necessary equipment works with absolute ease.
Do your best in pretending that the camera isn’t there.
For your first time, it might be beneficial to simply set up the camera and to let it roll. If you’re constantly going back and forth to the camera it might serve as a distraction. And not as a tool to capture your intimate moment.
Best kind of porn is the ones where the actors are totally involved in each other’s bodies, and the scene. Sticking to your old favourites is also going to help. Trying to create something new on the screen may not be the best of things to attempt.
Above all else.
Remember that art projects never turn out the way that you envision them to turn out. It’s not going to be perfect the first go, and every time.
Sometimes, in the way of art, you’ll find out that you had meant to create one piece of art. But end up creating something else entirely different. We would like to point out that entire porn styles and artistic movements have started as a direct result of such ‘accidents’!
You’re not doing this in front of a professional team so make sure that you remember that. It’s not going to be an amazing cinematic masterpiece, but it’s certainly going to be damn hot!
Okay so you’ve now filmed your home made sex tape. You’ve used editing software such as iMovie and Windows Movie Maker, and you’ve created copy of the finished, edited product.
Home Made Porn
Now what? Considering the importance of online security, and theft, you certainly do not want your film to end up in the hands of someone else.
Even a computer technician, assigned to fixing your PC, might steal the video for his own use. Since he/she may not care about it getting online they might not be as scrupulous with the security as you might be.
Of course, you might decide to upload it, obscure your faces, or simply not show your faces at all. Whilst this may not necessarily completely protect your privacy. Especially if you have very distinct and distinguishing features. It will certainly give you the option and ability to maintain some level of plausible denial.
Here are some extra tips that you could use.
Don’t upload your videos to any form of cloud storage.
This one is an obvious one, in so far as it sounds obvious considering all the celebrity hacks recently. But people might have it set onto uploading automatically to the cloud and then there’s all sorts of potential dangers, and issues.
Also, if you’ve recorded the video to your phone, remember that phones are very easy to steal. Get the video off your phone and somewhere more secure as soon as possible.
Encrypt your hard drive and hide the video.
You’d be surprised as to how many people use ‘password’ as their password to protect and secure their stuff. If you’ve made a sex video, don’t label it ‘mysexvideo’ or ‘homesexvideo’ or something like that. It’s bound to cause issues and potential risks. You might also want to use a program to encrypt and password protect your files.
VeraCrypt, is a program that works exceptionally well in this regard and is very simple and easy to use.
Unfortunately, there’s no foolproof and invincible way to ensure the safety of your videos and the sanctity of your privacy. Keeping in mind the above ideas will most likely protect your video from the average person. Therefore keeping your video relatively safe..