Gay Hardcore Sex Movies

Gay Porn Around The World


If you’re reading this article, then there’s a fair chance that you like porn Around The World. You’re a human being with access to the internet in the digital age.  And you’re bound to have looked up some kind of porn at some stage in your life.

Well, if you’ve ever wondered about how cultures interact with porn – then here’s your thing.  We have comprehensively, using sound and scientific methods created a database of a bunch of different cultures on earth and top gay destinations in the world.

Thanks to the internet, the trusted source of all things information.

around the world
gay porn


We have managed to research this for you through an engagement of every day porn channels.  These porn channels allow you to select videos from a large selection of different categories.

As an example, let’s say you selected the category ‘outdoors’.  What will come up is an enormous array of outdoor themed videos. Public sex acts and a variety of other things, the level of which would make your mind boggle.  Now if you were to contrast that with a selection of themes such as college, military, or even gang-bang. You’ll notice how each theme will ultimately highlight and showcase different aspects of sex.

How Does That Relate to Sex and Different Cultures?

All this is fairly interesting. But how does that relate to our research methods of examining sex through different cultures?  Well, you can also select a common theme such as nationality and culture. Now from here is where you’ll find the good stuff.

Very quickly you can make educated observations as to the commonality and trends of pornographic content among a particular culture. For example if you were to compare pornographic videos that had been labelled as Japanese to something like Israeli, Hawaiian or even Iceland. Then you will discover that the cultural preferences of each particular culture will become very obvious.

So let’s get this started, as an example of the above.

If you were to go through Brazilian pornographic content, you will discover that they are very into their asses and butts. Indeed, they believe that the bigger and firmer the ass, the better the sex is going to be.


I’m going to attribute this as being directly related to the Vatican. There’s a very rich history of the church being against anal sex.  So the fact that it’s so taboo and forbidden means that it’s so incredibly fun and exciting.  And while we’re on the topic there’s also an abundance of films out there which involve a priest teaching young men how to suck dick and make his Holy Father happy. A nun and all sorts of religious paraphernalia.

Hell, there’s even one with Jesus engaging with anal sex with his best friend. Who I think did some form of punishment which resulted in the receiving of anal sex.

Religion – Really?

It’s interesting to say the least, they might as well just abandon the religion all together and film sex in the actual church.  Now that might be just the alternative artistic style that we are looking for to create a new and improved lifestyle. That would be truly blasphemous!

But when it’s two muscular priests, and a page boy that looks well into his college years. Then it’s just plain kinky and hot. That’s Italy for you, the land of pasta and sausage meat. . .

germany likes gang bangs
German Gays


Germany without a doubt, is HUGE on their gangbangs. Usually their gangbangs involve some form of sneaker sex, or some metal sex fetish such as penis plugs and sounding but they’re all delightfully kinky.  Maybe they’re that sexually deprived. That the second the word sex comes out, a bunch of people just start running towards the beautifully toned couple with a bunch of single men decided to masturbate themselves dry over the couple?

Maybe.  But regardless of why it is.

It’s clear that the Germans love their group sex.

Why wouldn’t they when the biggest sex toy manufacturer in Germany is modelled after the idea of Fun. There’s swinger scenes, a bunch of cuckolded men, gang bangs of older men. It doesn’t really matter there’s always a scene that’s just crowded with flesh, hard German dicks and a bunch of bodies that you couldn’t count even if you tried.

It should also be noted that BDSM sex is the second most popular form of sexual content coming from the Germans. We were a little surprised at this one. But in hindsight – we can see why.


We strongly advise against watching Czech porn with a partner.

If you want to increase your intimacy, you should instead check out the top couples toys.  Reason we say this is that Czech boys are smokin’ hot. Your partner is definitely going to leave you and abandon you to move to Central Europe if you show them this porn.

Okay, we’re exaggerating. But, If you were to ever watch Czech porn with your partner – then you’d wonder how they ever got any work done with all the deliciously handsome people that were just born models here.

Czechs are big on amateur porn

But they still look so damn beautiful. To the point where it seems that everyone is just loaded with the amount of money being given to everyone so that they can star in their own sex film with a backpacker that they’ve picked up on the side of the road in a van that by no means looks suspicious at all.

Dude might put up the totally believable pretence that he has a girlfriend that he’s not gay, that he’s offended and horrified by the idea. But before you know it he’s laughing gleefully at the cash and there’s a momentary look of disgust as the first dick goes into his mouth before he’s sucking it like an old pro.

Yes, virgin my ass.

There’s no doubt in my mind that this lad on my screen has been practicing with a steel ass spreader. Not only is he taking it like a pro. But there’s not an ounce of pain etched on his face. Speaking of which, I’m surprised that there’s a straight tree in Czech Republic with all the leaning that they do on it during sex.

Apparently, in any central European country every young model-like lad has his price with which he’ll swing for.


There’s this overarching stereotype that all Japanese men are submissive, and they’re not sexually aggressive at all.

Have you ever watched Japanese twink porn? They fuck as if their lives depend on it. Grunting and the whimpering sounds that are emitted from their mouths seem to indicate that this normally subdued culture is a band of animalistic savages.

Based solely on watching Japanese porn for a week (I needed to be sure that my research was sound).  I concluded that these men have sex as if they’ve been stuck on a deserted island for the past 10 years.  There are aggressive sexual deviants, who will not only bring giant dildos to the bedroom with them. But they will happily suck cock and rim ass until the sun goes down.

When it finally gets to having sex – it’s rampant, it’s wild and it’s savage.  Did I mention that it was hot?!

Japanese sex seems
Japanese Gay Sex is HOT


American porn is like visiting a department store of adult products. Speaking of which type in department store count how many videos there are. And work out how many days you’re going to be watching porn to finish them all.

There is American porn for every size, shape, colour and taste. If you want fat and mature men, then you can have fat and mature men. You want big men in a barnyard being gang banged by a bunch of bikers. Then here you go.  You can have that too. Whatever you want, you can have.

Americans love their first timers

They love nothing more than to break in some young twinks ass. Or some straight jock that’s never gone gay before and can suddenly take an 11 inch African American cock.

Interracial is also big in American porn. Probably some remnants of the racism that existed for hundreds of years before someone got the bright idea to stick an African American man in front of a camera. And have sex with some poor little white boy as payment for the years of suffering and slavery.

Back room escapades, Christian Wilde having sex with Brandon Jones in a van with open windows as they drive around the streets with a bed in the back.  Americans love this plot.

It’s almost pervasive, Gay Fake Taxi anyone?

fucking gay guys
US Porn


I was more surprised than anyone about this one. Mexicans have an unstated need to watch chicks with dicks. It was prolific in the searches, and it’s obviously an incredibly hot commodity on the porn market. Go figure.

What’s also a little unusual is that there was one video that has been forever etched into my mind of a young Mexican guy. Shaking his dildo wearing an open button shirt, hairy as hell in so far as he reminded me of a Teen Wolf and he was pimping out some guys in a club.

But the thing was. . . that the guys would only see ass and they’d be ‘unwittingly’ engaging in sex with guys.

I thought this might have been an isolated video. But they were very keen on tricking straight men to have sex with gay boys.  Did we mention that Mexicans love their teens?


Anyone that’s familiar with Lucas Entertainment will totally understand this one. But I must admit that when I was doing my research for this one, I was surprised at just how much gay porn that there is between two Israeli soldiers.  Soldiers’ were far more willing to engage in sex together, than they were to find some woman to have sex with.

Whilst it might not surprise some, since Jewish women are extraordinarily conservative. I was still not expecting this to come up in my research.

Clearly Israeli women will have sex, but it’s just not on camera.

Dudes though, will happily drop their pants show off some skin, and a beautiful fur rug and a thick juicy dick. If you don’t take my word for it, look up Camo-porn.  It’s a sub category of porn which sees sweet men dropping their fatigues to their ankles. And plunging balls deep into some gorgeous Palestinian guy’s ass.

It really speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

men of israel
Lucas entertainment Porn


French find everywhere, and everything sexy. They will have sex in the car park in a van, on a barnyard fence, in the French countryside on a vineyard, an attic. On their parent’s bed, at the workshop surrounded by hot half-dressed mechanics. I did say anywhere.  They really couldn’t be more like themselves if they tried.


Russians love incest. So much so that it’s a little worrying.  Amount of porn that involves brothers, Dads, sons, and even their sons best friend or boyfriend is incredible. If you’re looking for hot, erotic and taboo stories then Russian porn is where you’re going to find it.

Their porn is also often the poorly produced, maybe because they use their dash cams when they’re not driving to film it. But when the Russians decide to do porn, they really do it.

There’s an incredible amount of incest porn, and it’s a tough kink to pull off.


I’m going to attribute this to similar reasoning’s as the Italians. And that religion shapes a big part of their sex and sexuality. There’s an abundance of gay anal porn involving Arabs. Whereas some other cultures like Blowjobs, hand jobs, brothers, and all other things except anal porn.

Arabs seem to exclusively like their anal porn. Okay this is an exaggeration, but it’s serving my point. Doesn’t matter the age either, teenage boys, adults, young lovers and mature men all seem to love and enjoy their anal sex.

I want to point out that the research conducted for this article was not scientifically constructed.

This research was simply done over weeks of research involving porn tube channels and searches. But I’m still going to make the point that you can learn a lot about particular cultures when you’re watching them have sex.

For research purposes, of course.